Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Predictions for the FINAL TWO EPISODES !

As the second season comes to a close it leaves us wondering whats going to happen in the last two episodes! Especially since we know that the plot can take quite the turn in the last episodes, from past experience with the first seasons finally where Ned Stark is beheaded at Joffery's command. So I am going to make some predictions on whats to come!

I predict that ...

- When Stannis's ships come to Kingslanding all Hell will brake loose, and he will gain some power over the Kingdom.

- Arya and her friends are going to be captured by some other army after fleeing Harrenhal to try to warn Rob.

- Bran is going to try to help the people of Winterfell but Osha and Hordor will catch him just in time so nothing bad can happen to him!

- Jon Snow and Ygritte will become extremely close and she will try to help him find his friends from the Nights Watch

- Across the Narrow Sea in Qarth Daenarys is going to free her dragons from being help hostage by the House of the Undying and bails out of the City with the remainder of her surviving people.

What I want to happen ...

- That someone will please kill Joffery!

- Daenarys's dragons become big enough for her to cross the Narrow Sea to Westeros!

- Robs army defeat the Lannisters army then travel to Kingslanding so he can free the North from Joffery's rule!

- Brienne of Trath and Jamie Lannister will have the weirdest but funniest road trip ever.

Even though I do not expect the season to turn out exactly to my liking I do expect some of these things to come true. So however the season turns out I am anticipating the exciting outcome and hope that it is exciting as always! Just minus the unexpected murder of one of the main characters!

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