Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Intro to Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is a televison series based off of the epic book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. My blog is going to start reviewing the episodes from season two, because it is airing now on HBO. In my blog posts you will learn who I like and who I dislike because I will very openly praise or bash people in my post. But since I know that not everyone watches it I will give a basic run through of the shows premise.

The series takes place in the fantasy world of Westeros. Westeros is a island like continent and is made up of several kingdoms, but all the kingdoms are allied with each other and make up the Seven Kingdoms. The Seven Kingdoms are ruled by the King who sits in the Iron Throne, while all the other past kingdoms are ruled by the Lords and Ladies. The Iron Throne holds the power because the original royal family which united the kingdoms a long time ago used his dragons to make the throne. The throne is made out of the swords of defeated enemy's wield together by the fire of the dragons.

The show follows the lives of different members of the ruling families all over the seven kingdoms and how they interact and effect one another. The families the show follows are the Starks of the North, the Baratheon of the Stormlands, the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, the Greyjoys of the Iron Islands and the Targaryns of Dragonstone.

The show follows members of all the different families and the conflict that arises between feuding houses and even feuding siblings. The plot of the first season of the show focused on when Lord Ned Stark of the North discovering that the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms has been having an incestuous relationship with her twin brother Jamie, and as if the incest wasn't bad enough all of the Kings "children" are the product of there incestuous relationship. So after the death of the King Ned realizes that there is no true heir and that he must tell everyone but before he can do this the "new king" Joffery has him beheaded. But lucky he was able to tell a few people and then the rumors spread start the new plot for season two which is to defeat the lying ruling family and put a rightful heir on the throne, problem is there are multiple people who thing that they are.

Which brings us to season two which is the season my blog will be based on as I watch it unfold every Sunday night on HBO. So far season two there is fight all over Westeros because Rob Stark is trying to avenge his fathers murder and liberate the Northern Kingdom from the rule of the Seven Kingdoms so he can rule it himself. Then you have the two brothers of the deceased King Robert Baratheon, Renly and Stannis who both want the throne so they can rule. You also have the Greyjoys of the Iron Island trying to reastablish themselves as a Kingdom and gain power. Finally you have Daenerys Stormborn the last surviving member of the Targaryens who is still across the narrow seas on another continent trying to get back to Westeros to claim the throne for herself using the power of her dragons.

All of this makes for a very exciting and entertaining series !

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